
Projects Page Honey Jars

The Projects of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. span the entire state in location and interest.  The connecting element is the love of nature and gardening.  Come join one of our clubs and become involve with our state’s projects.


Chair:  Virginia Pargmann

To provide an educational environment that creates meaningful jobs, builds a sense of belonging and validates dignity and respect for adults with disabilities.



Chair:  Nancy Giffhorn

A self-supporting community of functionally disabled adults in Brookshire, TX.  They maintain a large horticulture center where they raise plants and create hand thrown pottery and concrete products for sale throughout the Houston area. Located in District IV.

Click here to view Website


Chari:  Linda Whetsell

An outdoor school providing camp experiences and education for Tyler-area fifth grade school children and specialized camps for asthmatic, diabetic, and mentally and physically challenged youth. Located in District III.

Click here to view Website.


Chair:  Jenny McCoy

An on-going preservation project of a middle archaic Native American Community and adjoining wetlands in El Paso; listed as a “Save America’s Treasures” site.  Located in District IX.

Click here to view Website.


Chair:  Sarah McReynolds

Childhood home of Cynthia Parker and her pioneer family was raided in 1836 by a band of Comanche and Kiowa warriors. Cynthia Ann, age 9, was captured and lived with the Comanche for 25 years. Texas Rangers recaptured her and brought her back to her Anglo relatives. Her son Quanah Parker, last Comanche Chief, became famous for bridging the gap between the Anglos and Native Americans. Additional land on which the Town of Mexia German Prisoner of War Barracks and two homes from the 1800s are located was added to the site. Barracks and homes provide housing for guests to the Fort. TGC has held their NGC Environmental Schools at the site for the last 7 years. 


Chair: Johanna Roman

The Seeds for Life Program is a great way to make gardening programs flourish in developing nations. Thanks to the generosity of several Garden Clubs around Texas, funds are used to offer small grants to organizations abroad so that they can purchase seed packets, transplants, and educational materials for gardening projects. Clubs can simply send checks directly to TGC headquarters, indicating they are for Seeds for Life.

Click here to view Seeds for Life Brochure (2020).


Chair:  Lyneen Williams

Click here to view Website.


Chair:  Loraine Kuehn

New project that helps reforest Texas when disasters happen.

Click here to view Website.


Chair:  Barbara Cox

A long standing non profit organization that protects Nature.

Click here to view Website.


Blaschke Landscape Endowment Fund
Interest generated by this fund is used to maintain the grounds at TGC headquarters.

Friends of Headquarters
Donations used for the benefit of Headquarters.

Friendship Book donations
Applied to general operating expenses.  Honor a friend, club, speaker, etc.  The honoree’s name is placed in the Friendship Book kept at TGC headquarters.

Gold & Silver Book donations are applied to general operating expenses.  Entries in these books are intended for special friends, speakers, dedicated members, etc.  Donation of $50 places name in Gold Book.  Donation of $25 places name in Silver Book.

Library Fund donations
Used to maintain the Marian Campbell Library at TGC headquarters and for the purchase of additional books.

Presidents Book donations
Used for general operating expenses.  Entries in this book are intended to honor your current club president for service to your organization.

Scholarship Fund donations
These are placed in an endowment fund.  Interest from this fund is available for use for scholarships to college level students.

Sue Durrett Endowment Fund
Interest generated by this fund is used to maintain TGC headquarters.

TGC Arbor Day Fund/Grant
Used annually to purchase a tree in celebration of Arbor Day; the planting and celebration are often in conjunction with a state convention.

TGC Birdseed Fund donations
Used to purchase birdseed and maintain two large feeders at TGC headquarters, located on the grounds of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden.

TGC Endowment Fund
Interest generated by this fund is used to maintain TGC headquarters.

Web Site Fund
Donations to this fund provide for maintenance and design updates for