Member of the Year

This year we were blessed with two great winners of the Garden Club Member of the Year. 

They are Christine Fincherand  and Carol Coughran

District III – Christine Fincher
Christine joined garden club over 20 years ago. She belongs to three clubs and two
councils, two of which she is President. Christine is currently the District Director of
District III which she has served for 4 years. She has also been the chairman of two
state conventions and two flower show symposiums. Christine is a Life Flower Show
Judge. With her club in Frankston, she has been very involved with the youth, which
have distributed socks to the nursing home for Christmas, cards and flowers to the
nursing home on Valentines, and has done Arbor Day with 5 th graders at Frankston
Elementary School. Christine is a Life Member of TGC and District III. She is a
member of the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville for 38 years and is very active with
them. Christine has been married for 57 years to Gene and has one daughter.

District X – Carol Coughran
Carol joined Brookhaven Garden Club in 2006 and has held all positions. Carol also
belongs to the Dallas Council of Garden Clubs, Dallas Flower Show Judges Founders
Group and TNT Judges Study Club. In District X she has been every position from
recording secretary through District Director. Carol is an Environmental Consultant,
Landscape Design Consultant, working on graduating from Garden Study Schools and
is an Accredited Master Flower Show Judge. She is a District X life member, TGC Life
Member and SCR Life Member. Carol has chaired many state committees and has
been TGC Recording Secretary and VP Youth Activities. She is VP Elect for the Lone
Star Gardener. Carol graduated from Howard Payne University and she started the
Master’s program at North Texas State University where she was fortunate to receive a
grant from NASA to do research for a sustainable food source for deep space travel.
After graduation she went to work for the City of Dallas, Water Utilities and worked there
for 24 years.

Past Honorees

2022 Christine Fincherand
2022 Carol Coughran
2020 Marlene Gillman – Killeen
2020 Karen Murrell – Dallas
2019 Betty Edwards – Kermit
2018 Lee Taylor
2017 Carol Moore
2016 Johanna Taylor & Charlotte Elrod
2015 Sarah McReynolds
2014 Eleanor Floeck
2013 Kathy Cox
2012 Sandee Walters & Idalia Aguilar
2011 Jacki Simmers
2010 Ruby Brigman
2009 Judy Keillor
2008 Sudie Blackburn
2007 Carol Russell
2006 Joyce Cochran
2005 Dottie Sivess
2004 Jean Mills
2003 Sue Durett
2002 Merlene Cain
2001 Barbara Baker
2000 Diane Whitaker
1999 Ina Brundrett
1998 Alice Davies
1997 Jayne Martin
1996 Mary Louise Barr
1995 Pauline Brown
1994 Lucy Hendy
1993 Renee Blaschke
1992 Linda Whetsell & Hazel Somerville
1991 Margaret Sharpe
1990 Edna Fuchs
1989 Christine Brown
1988 Noble Smith
1987 Betty Johnson
1986 Bertie Ferris & Nell Denman
1985 Esther Clinton
1984 Guyneth Priem
1983 Hazel McCoy
1982 Ruth Jenks
1981 Mary Louise Michie & Mrs. W. B. Carroll
1980 Ethel Spears
1978 Stella Scott
1977 Margaret Coil
1976 Frances Ellis
1975 Sue Smith
1974 Kay Bozek
1973 Ethel Orr
1972 Bea Dooley
1971 Madge Horn
1970 Bea Dooley
1969 Norma Barton
1968 Virginia Weaver
1967 Welma Aiken
1966 Marion Campbell
1965 Magnolia Greene
1964 Gertrude Windsor
1963 Henrietta Kilpatrick
1962 Mabel Caldwell
1961 Annie Puryear
1960 Mary Kittel
1959 Bess Buchanan
1958 Annavi Buchanan
1957 Esther Miller
1956 Nora Berry
1955 Inez Coffey
1954 Mollie Salois
1953 Nita Harmon
1952 Minnie Marcus
1951 Marianne Scruggs